This product is no longer available to new customers but will continue unaffected for use by existing customers until the account matures or is closed.
Fixed Deposits
Ideal to earn higher rate of interest, if you can spare money for a specified period of time. The period ranges from one month to 60 months as decided by the Depositor. This deposit plan offer convenient solutions to both working individuals as well as senior citizens. These products facilitate you to enjoy security and competitive rates of interest on your deposits
Key features
- We offer fixed deposits in GBP, USD and Euro
- Minimum deposit amount of GBP 500 or USD 500 or Euro 500
- Minimum period of deposits – One Month
- Maximum period of deposits – 12 Months
- Rate of interest depends on amount, currency and maturity period
- Interest is paid on maturity. Tax, if applicable, would be deducted as per tax norms
- We allow flexibility of part closure
- We offer overdraft/ loan against deposit on demand up to 90% of deposit amount. For details please contact any of our U K branches
- Facility to take premature payment of your deposit. However, for pre-mature payment interest paid will be @1% below the rate applicable for the period the deposit was kept with Bank
- Facility to automatically renew your deposit
- Facility to view account balance & transactions over Internet
- Deposits are guaranteed under FSCS
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